Dem leaders and Trump agree on $2 trillion for 'bold' infrastructure reform

The infrastructure  proposal from Democrats to include broadband, clean air and water and according to a letter Pelosi sent ahead of the meeting.

By Mona Austin

In their first meeting with Pres. Trump sing the government shut down negotiations, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and leader Chuck Schumer introduced a proposal for a "big, bold" infrastructure overhaul at the White House on Tuesday.  Trump previously express he did not want to meet while an investigation into his financial records is underway.  All things considered, it was a surprisingly productive  encounter. Both  democratic leaders lauded the president's  positive attitude toward recognizing the need for an improved infrastructure for the future. Said Pelosi, "It’s about jobs, jobs, jobs. It’s about promoting commerce. It’s about clean air, clean water, so therefore a public health issue. It’s a quality of life issue, getting people out of their cars not being on the road so much. And in every way, it is a safety issue."
Continuing, she said, "We are very excited about the conversation we had with the President to advance an agenda of that kind. We did come to one agreement that the agreement would be big and bold. Our distinguished Leader from the Senate will announce how big and how bold." 
In 3 weeks they will meet with the POTUS again to discuss the particulars of the pending bill with input form both sides. Schumer said Trump agreed to $2 trillion to fund the effort, which is ore than they requested. Where the money will come from is the looming question