Trump spoke in front of a fake presidential seal at Turning Point USA event

A Washington Post reporter knew something was wrong when she saw the backdrop Pres. Donald Trump was speaking in front of at a Turning Point USA teen event on Tuesday.  In Spanish, an altered presidential seal read: "45 is a puppet." The eagle, which was reminiscent of the Russian Coat of Arms, had two heads and was clutching golf clubs.  No one knows yet who manipulated the graphic to make fun of the POTUS, but the fact that it could be done may be alarming to those in the president's orbit.  The scary part is that it could have been someone in or outside of the White House. An animal with two head is usually depicted as a monster.  One has to wonder if that is what the anonymous artist was trying to convey. Reports the Washington Post, the person responsible for what they say was a last minute mistake was terminated. UPDATE Well, they've found the guy who created the phony presidential seal that mocked the president. CLICK HERE to find out who did it.