Chrissy Tiegen starts a foul hastag to silence Trump

By Mona Austin

Well, it is "foul mouthed" even by Pres. Donald Trump's standard.  That is the hash tag that was generated when Pres. Trump picked a fight with a feisty celeb who happens to be a Twitter heavyweight, Chrissy Tiegen.

Pres. Trump is upset that John Legend, Chrissy Tiegen's hubby, is not giving him credit for signing the First Step Act into law. Legend appeared on NBC with Lester Holt to promote voter empowerment and addressed criminal justice. Kim Kardashian visited the White House and thanked the president for his work on the First Step Act for which she had used her celebrityluence as an advocate. The president clearly expected other celebs to act in kind. Legend's wife used a vulgar expression for his whining about this which started trending as #pab. He did not mention Tiegen in the tweet by name initially but later referred to her as a #foulmithwife, which was also trending. Tiegen went on the Ellen Show on Wednesday to explain that she never intended to have the fall out. She didn't even know here husband had taped an interveiw with Holt and wondered why her name came up in the first place. In the message Trump initially posted in Twitter he caled Tiegen "foul-mouthed" although he did not refer to her by name. "When all of the people pushing so hard for Criminal Justice Reform were unable to come even close to getting it done, they came to me as a group and asked for my help. I got it done with a group of Senators & others who would never have gone for it. Obama couldn't come close...." he wrote in a series of tweets. "A man named @VanJones68 and many others, were profusely grateful (at that time!). I SIGNED IT INTO LAW, no one else did, & Republicans deserve much credit. But now that it is passed, people that had virtually nothing to do with it are taking the praise. Guys like boring musician @johnlegend, and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is—but I didn't see them around when we needed help getting it passed. 'Anchor' @LesterHoltNBC doesn't even bring up the subject of President Trump or the Republicans when talking about the importance or passage of Criminal Justice Reform. They only talk about the minor players, or people that had nothing to do with it. And the people that so desperately sought my help when everyone else had failed, all they talk about now is Impeaching President Trump!"

This post too trended. Tigen admitted she has a foul moth to Ellen and that she was nervous about getting retaliatory tweets form Trump supporters.  The opinionated mom, host and cookbook author was blocked form Trump's page years ago, she said, so someone sent her screenshot of the message and she told Ellen, "You know you are about to get the wildest group of people."