Heroic dog honored at the White House for work in Bagdhadi raid

The dog that got injured running  Abdu al-Baghdadi to his death in a tunnel in Syria was honored at the White House on Tuesday.  Although the First Family does not own a dog, since the death of the ISIS leader last month Pres. Donald Trump has praised Conan the brave pooch who assisted in the take down via tweets. Trump told reporters, "Conan did a fantastic job. We are honored to have Conan here."  He also said Conan received a certificate that will be kept at the White House.
Vice Pres.  Pence said. "Conan is really a hero.  It is a real joy to welcome him here at the White House."

In similar  news. . .

The President signed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture   (PACT) Act, an anti-animal cruelty bill.
The PACT Act makes "animal crushing" illegal as a federal offense punishable with a fine and up to seven years in prison.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was a vocal supporter of the bill as it passed through the House, tweeting in support of the measure after it had previously passed the Senate with similar bipartisan support.
"Today, I was honored to sign @RepTedDeutch's #PACTAct to make animal cruelty a federal offense," she tweeted earlier in November. "Our furry friends, Milo and Prudence, were on hand to help me enroll this bipartisan legislation that will now go to the President's desk!"