Trump signs EO protecting Jews

Effort co-signed from Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffries

(The Slice): This week, Pres. Donald Trump has taken his pro-Israel/Jew stance to another level. Last Wednesday the White Houses hosted a Hannukah reception in the East Room, where he simultaneously signed an executive order to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitic bigotry on colleg campuses. The EO will penalize schools that tolerate hate against Jews. The protection appears preferential as it has not been given to other classes or people who suffer attacks based on racism (Blacks) or religion (Muslim).
Vowing that colleges who tolerate bigotry on campus risk losing millions of dollars in federal funding, he singled out “institutions that traffic in anti-Semitic hate.” Further, Pres. Trump cautioned:
“If you want to accept the tremendous amount of federal dollars you get every year you must reject anti-Semitism, “ he said to rousing applause.
No such effort have been made to quell the attacks on the Civil and Human Rights of of other racial, ethnic or religious groups in America under the Trump Adminiatration.

He called the Jewish religion “a cherished part of our family.” Adding that “I will always celebrate and honor the Jewish people,” he elicited vigorous applause for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, terminating the Iranian nuclear deal, and recognzing the sovereignty of the Golan Heights” by Israel.
“Nothing happened until I came along,” he added in listing his pro-Israeli accomplishments.
He called several guests onstage, including New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft; attorney Alan Dershowitz (“you will be remembered by history for all time” for the executive order).

A Christian also added to the reverance of Trump Conservative pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, who called Trump “the most pro-faith president in’re on the right side of God.”

Conservative radio show host Mark Levin, who is Jewish, was brought up to speak and said that the president would not be left in the battlefield alone and he should be a Jew, a statement that Trump allowed to go unchecked as a professed Christian.
After the signing, Jared Kushner closed the event by saluting “the President’s commitment to
keeping all Americans safe...I want to thank you for your amazing leadership.

The effort did not seem to apply to "all" as Mr. Trump referred specifically to Jews in his remarks.

Parallels could be easily drawn to the President failing to intervene when African Americans have been attacked and killed by police or been the victims of hate crimes throughout the nation both on and off college campuses. While Trump has been in office there have been several incidents of racism on college campuses that he neglected to address.