Prayer is back in schools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, said her department’s new guidelines, which highlight “constitutionally protected prayer,” require state agencies to inform it when complaints are filed about limitations to the free exercise of religion.
“Too many misinterpret a separation of church and state as an invitation for government to separate people from their faith,” DeVos said. “In reality, our Constitution doesn’t exist to protect us from religion; it exists to protect religion from government.”
Daniel Mach, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief, said the Education Department's guidance about school prayer is very similar to language that has been in place since 2003 when issued by then-President George W. Bush.
“Importantly, both the Bush guidance and the copycat document released today affirm a core constitutional protection: School officials are prohibited from imposing their faith on students,” Mach said. “The question, as always, is whether public-school officials will heed this warning. If they don’t, we’ll be there, as always, to correct them — and if necessary, we’ll see them in court.”
In addition to the school prayer-related announcement, the administration said it had plans to remove the requirement that faith-based social service providers offer a secular alternative to people seeking their assistance.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State said such a rule would hurt many who receive services such as housing assistance, substance abuse treatment and vocational training.

It details scenarios in which school officials must permit prayer and clarifies the consequences if they don’t, but overall it makes few major changes to the guidance it replaces.
“We will not let anyone push God from the public square,” Trump said as he introduced the new rules. “We will uphold religious liberty for all.”

“Our Founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions.” – President Donald J. Trump


PROTECTING PRAYER IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: President Donald J. Trump remains committed to protecting every student’s constitutional right to pray in school.

  • The Trump Administration is taking action to further safeguard students’ constitutionally protected right to pray in school.
  • President Trump is updating Federal guidance regarding protected prayer and religious expression in public schools, which has not been issued since 2003.
    • The update will help safeguard students’ rights by giving education providers and students the most current information concerning prayer in public schools.
  • To receive Federal funds, local educational agencies must confirm that their policies do not prevent or interfere with the constitutionally-protected rights outlined in the guidance.
  • The updated guidance will help improve individuals’ ability to file a complaint if they are denied the ability to participate in protected religious expression.
  • The new guidance makes clear that students can read religious texts or pray during recess and other non-instructional periods, organize prayer groups, and express their religious beliefs in their assignments.

PROMOTING EQUAL TREATMENT: The Administration is working to ensure that our Nation’s religious organizations are treated equally by the Federal government.

  • The Administration is issuing nine proposed rules to protect religious organizations from unfair and unequal treatment by the Federal government.  
    • The proposed rules would eliminate burdensome Obama-era requirements that unfairly imposed unique regulatory burdens only on religious organizations.
  • The Office of Management and Budget is also releasing a memo requiring Federal agencies to ensure that the grant-making practices of state recipients of Federal funding comply with the First Amendment.
  • The Trump Administration is committed to ensuring religious organizations can compete on a level playing field for funding, without discrimination.

CHAMPIONING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: These actions build on President Trump’s longstanding commitment to safeguarding the fundamental right to religious freedom.

  • During his first year in office, President Trump signed an Executive Order upholding religious liberty and the right to engage in religious speech.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order recognizing the essential contributions of faith-based organizations and establishing the Faith and Opportunity Initiative.
  • The Administration continues to unequivocally stand up for religious liberty in the courts.
  • President Trump reversed the Obama-era policy that prevented the government from providing disaster relief to religious organizations.
  • Last year, President Trump hosted a Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom event at the United Nations and called on the international community and business leaders to work to protect religious freedom around the world.
  • The Administration has stood up for religious liberty around the world, partnering with local and faith-based organizations to provide assistance to vulnerable religious minorities.