(The Slice): Pres. Trump has changed his mind about participating in the next debate. The second debate in Miami next Thursday is currently in limbo over a format change. The Commission on Presidential Debates wants candidates to debate from remote locations, they announced after the Vice Presidential debate -- a move they made to "protect the health and safety of those involved."

Liability for the spread of Coronavirus, with which Pres. Donald Trump is infected, may have prompted the Presidential Commission on Debates' decision to replace the in-person format with a virtual one. The Vice Presidential Debate ticket had a disclaimer on it stating members of the audience will not hold the Commission on Presidential Debates or the event host liable for any sickness including COVID-19.

The president deems the change as unacceptable.

A remote debate would allow organizers to have more control of the participants' conduct Cut-aways and muting audio could be used to give both candidates close to equal time. While the Vice Presidential debate was viewed as more civil than the presidential debate before it, outbursts and interruptions clouded both of the previous debates, making it difficult for moderators to enforce the rules and do their jobs effectively.

In response to this adjustment, President Trump said debating remotely is a pointless waste of time. "I'm not going to do a virtual debate," in an apearance on Fox Business.

Continuing Trump said:

"I am not going to waste my time on a virtual debate. . .They're trying to protect Biden."

"I am a perfect physical specimen. . .I'm in good health.
We'll pass on thi excuse to bail out and do a rally instead.."

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, who also tested positive for Coronavirus explained on FOX News that the Commission did not confer with either candidate before the announcement. Neither candidate requested a change she said and there is no reason in-person debates should be cancelled.

Joe Biden was willing to partcipate in the virtual debate, but has since decided to have his on town hall styled event next week airing on ABC. The Biden campaign shot off a statement saying the debates should not be handled by the operated by the whim of the president.
At the heart of this debate dilemma is the president's health status. Despite how he says he feels, we do not know if Pres. Trump has had a negative COVID-19 test following his diagnosis and or post-discharge. The White House has not definitively stated whether Trump is medically cleared to return to normal public life. White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah told press his test results are a private matter hen asked about them at the White House on Thursday in the following exchange:

Q: When was the last time the president tested negative? A: "I can't reveal that at this time. Doctors would like to keep it private" Q: But why is that? A: "My understanding is that it's his private medical history." Q: But they reveal a lot of medical history. So why can't you reveal that? A: "I'm happy to raise that to the doctors, but my understanding is that we're not making it public."

The lack of this information is shaping the remainder of the 2020 election cycle in a major historic way. But, over 3 million American voters have cast their ballots early indicating another debate may not make a difference.

Earlier today both camps were negotiating through press rleases. For now, the particulars for the secod presidential debate are up in the air.

The Slice will report the final decision when it is solidified.