ICYMI: Chris Harrison steps aside as host of The Bachelor in the wake of backlash from racial controversy.
by Mona Austin
(The Slice): In the first season of The Bachelor that features a Black man, Matt James, racial controvesy has erupted from the past behavior of a forerunner. Rachel Kirkconnell was on the receiving end of insults last week when social media posts of her liking an image with a confederate flag in the background and supporting QAnon theories surfaced. She was also spotted in a photo from an antebellum (or slavery era) party. Rachel apologized in an instagram statement saying, "I hear you and I was wrong" to the people of color who wee offended by her actions. For some, th apology wa not enough. The controversy swelled further when the producer and host seemed to defend her actions. Critics say Chris Harrison of the popular reality relationship show demonstrated tone deafness concerning Kirkconnell attending an antebellum party when he said it's something many people do. He noted in an Extra interview with a former Batchelorette, Rachel Lindsay, who happens to be African American, that the Kirkconnell should have an opportunity to speak for herself before people ruin her life, an indirect reference to online cancel culture that many reality stars have been subjected to. Kirkconnell is a Georgian who had removed Tweeted photos from an Antelbellum party she attended 5 years ago that some deemed racially insensitve. Harrison opined that she should be given grace. "While I do not speak for Rachael Kirkconnell, my intentions were simply to ask for grace in offering her an opportunity to speak on her own behalf," he wrote in an Instagram post. Continuing with an apology he said, "What I now realize I have done is cause harm by wrongly speaking in a manner that perpetuates racism, and for that I am so deeply sorry. I also apologize to my friend Rachel Lindsay for not listening to her better on a topic she has a first-hand understanding of, and humbly thank the members of Bachelor Nation who have reached out to me to hold me accountable. I promise to do better." Harrison apologized on Twitter Wednesday writing, “I took a stance on topics about which I should have been better informed. What I now realize I have done is cause harm by wrongly speaking in a manner that perpetuates racism, and for that I am so deeply sorry. I also apologize to my friend Rachael Lindsay for not listening to her better on a topic she has a first-hand understanding of, and humbly thank the members of Bachelor Nation who have reached out to me to hold me accountable. I promise to do better.” Lindsay pointed out in an interview with CNN's Don Lemon that Harrison was overlooking the fact that in the scenatio of an antebellum party African American could have been servants or slaves. During her time as the lead on the show she chose a non-Black rate and is in an inter-racial marraige. The topic of racism being addressed in the context of the show raises questions about the complaxities of racial identitiy and reflects the challenge of addessing racism America more broadly. Essentially it shows that a person can have inherent racist tendencies and be in a relationship or marraige with someone from a different race, while being completely oblivious to the social differences that cause issues of ineqaulity and fair treatment outside of their personal bubble. James, 28 is bi-racial but identifies as a black man. He told Variety that he wants kids with the woman he chooses and the reality is that being inter-racial could be an issue they face in raising his future children. “I felt that pressure — I’m not going to lie — initially,” James tells Variety about holding the title of the first Black Bachelor. SPOILER ALERT>>SEVERAL SITES HAVE ALREADY REPORTED THAT MATT CHOSE RACHEL KIRKCONNELL PRIOR TO THE CONTROVERSY. This could be the reality check that contestants interested in pursijng lov in the fairytale setting that the show delivers need before making life-long commitments. That "pressure" Matt referrred to could be share with his future bride. Hopefully, most non-Black contestants wouldgiven ths some thought before they agreed to appear on the show. Harrison did not say how long he would be taking a break. Ideas for his replacement, including Rachel Lindsay are being "proposed" in internet reports. Should he be fired for a lack of understanding? Should Rachel Kirkconnell be forgiven as long as Matt accepts her apology?