Bide supports resignation of racist LA City Council members, read Martinez resignation letter


Press secretary Karine Jean Pierre said  that President Joe Biden wants every City Council member in Los Angeles who participated in a racist discussion to resign. Head of the City Council Nury Martinez resigned as council president after pressure and protest, but as ot stepped down from her elected role. “I take responsibility for what I said, and there are no excuses for those comments. I’m so sorry,” Nury Martinez, the council president, said in a statement on Monday announcing that she would resign. “As a mother, I know better and I am sorry. I am truly ashamed.’  Martinez is on a leave of absence currently.

In a conversation with other council members she said a white co-worker’s adopted Black child was behaving like a monkey in Spanish.  The press secretary said despite the Councilwoman being a Democrat President Biden felt her remarks were ‘appalling.’ 

"He believes that they all should resign,"Jean-Pierre said. "The language that was used and tolerated during that conversation was unacceptable and it was appalling."

The question came up in a press briefing asking how Biden who has spoken out against racism felt about an elected official being caught on tape using racist language. The Los Angeles Times exposed leaked audio of the inappropriate comments, leading to several other Democratic officials calling for the council members involved to resign.

Jean-Pierre pointed out the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats will not tolerate  condemnable behavior from one of their own.