Biden Presses in on Black Church Voter in Philly
Coming off a week of bewildering political trials, President Joe Biden visited and African American church in Philadelphia on Sunday where an amourous atmoshere provided encouragement for the path ahead. The sermon title was "God's Redemptive Love for America" priacehed by. Bishop Felton prayed for the Lor s to use Bidenand shaid thhat he is the leader the nation needs.
This particular stop on the campaign trai ast this particular juncture was good timing. Biden could not only use spiritualencouragementst, but a push from the voting bloc that he knows got him elected. A democratic politician acquiring the vote a Blac person is no longer a foregone conclusion, The "Black vote" has become more hjagged as more Black men begin to lean Republican and others became independent. But Biden has Black voters nature of the realtinship between democrats and the Black community is no longer a given various date has indicated. However, the packed sancturary at
“Look at someone next to you and say, we are together”
The pastor compatreed christ to Joeseph and alluded to Pres. BNiden when he said "He came to his own, but his own reicved him not," Biden is experienceding a similar rejectin as the number of Demcrats who want him to resign is increasing . The inntner party rejection is parallel to the story shared in the message.
“The enemy has tried for so long to divide us. He has used superficial disagreements, things that don’t even matter just to keep us at each other’s throats”
“We are together because we love our president, we pray for our president, we ask that you continue to give him strength. …. He is an Eagles man” - cheers throughout. Biden stood and clasped hands with Bishop Morris, who he is sitting next to.
“Bishop Morris is 91 years old” — the congregation cheered
“And so Mr. president, since you are only an octogenarian…..”
Bishop Felton says it’s the church’s 58th anniversary.
A woman stood to offer a prayer.
“We ask a special blessing to our president, oh God.”
“Bless each and every voter, God, to get out the vote”
“We thank you for giving us direction, oh God”
“Bless us oh God so we understand what is going on politically, and we make the right decision.”
“We are together because we love our president, we pray for our president, we ask that you continue to give him strength. …. He is an Eagles man” - cheers throughout. Biden stood and clasped hands with Bishop Morris, who he is sitting next to.
“Bishop Morris is 91 years old” — the congregation cheered
“And so Mr. president, since you are only an octogenarian…..”
Bishop Felton says it’s the church’s 58th anniversary.
A woman stood to offer a prayer.
“We ask a special blessing to our president, oh God.”
“Bless each and every voter, God, to get out the vote”
“We thank you for giving us direction, oh God”
“Bless us oh God so we understand what is going on politically, and we make the right decision.”
July 8. 2024.