Trump said he would still take 'dirt' on a political rival from a foreign entity; Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi respond

By Mona Austin Pres. Donald Trump may have inadvertently given his potential presidential opponent Joe Biden more fuel to use against him. Former Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning on the idea that his potential rival is an "existential threat" to the U.S. In an exclusive ABC News interview on Wednesday night, Trump made a false move that supports Biden's position. Trump admitted he would be receptive to leads against his opponents from a foreign government in an interview with George Stephanopolos on Wednesday night.  If offered dirt on a political rival (sound familiar?) he said he would listen and admitted, "I think I'd take it."  Stephanopolous indicated engaging with foreign governments in such a way would be election interference and Trump disagreed: "It's not interference." Mr. Trump said he thinks he would report it to the FBI if he thought anything was wrong. Stephanopolos said the FBI would want to know about this." Trump retorted, "The FBI Director is wrong." Trump went on to categorize this type of information as "oppo research," it has outraged Democrats who equate it to the Russian meddling breach in the 2016 campaign that many believe helped Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. The next morning Trump tried to change to focus of his remarks in a tweet about it not being necessary to talk to the FBI about his regular conversations with foreign allies. TRUMP via TWITTER: "I meet and talk to “foreign governments” every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Wales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about “Everything!” "Call the FBI about these calls and meetings? How ridiculous! I would never be trusted again. With that being said, my full answer is rarely played by the Fake News Media. They purposely leave out the part that matters." Town Hall a Conservative Web site, is brushing the comment off as Trump's mentality is called treasonous and impeachable by many others. Republican lawmakers have largely been silent on this shocking admission. This morning Chuck Schumer took to the House floor to rebuke the president's words. "That is shocking, yet sadly par for the course for this president. . .His remarks last night defined defiancy down to a new low. It's as if the president has learned nothing from the past two years," he said referring to the Mueller Investigation. Schumer said Trump values winning more than ethics, a trait that is a threat to national security. Sen. Lindsay Graham repudiated Trump's statement and the idea of such engagement with a foreign government saying he agrees with FBI Director Christopher Wray who is on the record saying such interactions must be reported to the FBI. Trump's latest comment perpetuates his generally dismissive attitude toward the intelligence community. He went on to remind the chamber that Pres. Trump's mindset is one small step from a dictator. All of Washington is waiting to see if this will be enough to cause House Speaker Nancy will call for impeachment. At her daily news, she too condemned Trump's controversial comment saying it was "cavalier" and Trump does not seem to know right form wrongs, but stuck to her usual line of reasoning about impeachment offering, "What we want to do is have a methodical approach to the path we are on."