The Slice News is an independent news source created and produced by Jireh Communications Group that launched the all new in the fall of 2021 to provide more meaningful journalism in a field cluttered by bias and imbalanced stories. Prior to the site launch the Slice Rport and its companion blog existed for over a decade. Founded by Mona Austin, a nationally known reporter who started her own media company, The Slice News reports the unvarnished truth without the influence of politics or financial backers. The Slice uniquely offers a balance of mainstream and faith-based content like no other news brand in mass media. In order to continue bringing you hard-hitting coverage and take our platform to another level, annual budgetary goals must be met. Funds are needed to cover such expenses as travel, lodging, COVID-testing, the production of an offline publication and marketing that will all help the news service provider to broaden its reach. If the Slice Report has served you in any way, please consider making a donation in any amount. To make a donation simply click on the link below. Donors who contribute over $100 will receive a specially designed gift and be recognized as a founding partner.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to serving you with more of the news you need.