The Emmanual 9 one year later

buzzz worthy. . .

Never forget the Emmanuel 9. It's been a year since the dreadful day 21-year-old Dyan Rooth, a white man murdered nine black Christians including Pastor Clementa Pinckney, at the Mother Emmanuel AME bible study in Charleston, SC. Rooth was seen holding a confederate flag on FB, which many recognized as a symbol of hate. Following national protests Gov. Nikki Haley signed a ban to prohibit confederate flags from flying over state buildings in the Palmetto State. It took  this tragegdy to mae progressin removing symbols of discrimination and hate.
 9.  It is
The recent Orlando club massacre  is a painful reminder of the that threat against religious freedom. Tee Emmanuel 9 were parishioners gathering in their church to The Orlando hooting show the threat against same sex relationships.  Shirley Caesar has released a tribute song in their honor entitled "Mother Emmanuel."

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