Kim Kardashian gets presidential pardon for grandmother serving life sentence
Alice Marie Johnson is emotional and greeted by dozens of family members as they see her for the first time since she’s been free. Johnson says she’s thankful for this second chance and is ready to get back home and spend time with her family @WCBINEWS — Quentin Smith WCBI (@Q_Smith_) June 6, 2018 A week ago, Kim Kardashian West walked into the Oval Office and met with Pres. Donald Trump to make an appeal for women serving unjust prison sentences, particularly Alice Marie Johnson. She'd seen Johnson's story on CNN and was moved to get her released. Johnson was found guilty of drug trafficking and money laundering. Alice Marie John reunites with family in tears moments after released from prison on a life sentene on June 6, 2018 Today, Pres. Trump granted the drug convict commutation on a life sentence and she became a free woman the same day. That means Johnson will no longer serve time, while the charges still stick. ...