
Showing posts with the label African Ameircan women abductions

Trump signs Executive order combatting human trafficking

On Friday the White House recognized the growing threat of human trafficking with the signing of an executive order. The order broadly addresses kidnapping and modern day slavery. In the U.S. this issue has a profound impact on African Americans, women in particular. The statistics are astounding: – 62% of human trafficking suspects are African Americans – 52% of all juvenile prostitution arrests are African Americans – 40% of victims of human trafficking are African-Americans Ivanka Trumo, who heads the initiative, spoke for about 15 minutes, which included remarks from Jessica Hamlet, a survivor of human trafficking, the president's daughter and advisorTrump introduced Attorney General Bill Barr, and then took her seat in the front row, next to Jared Kushner. Barr said his office is prepared to put the “full force of the law” behind stopping human trafficking, which he called “a horrific crime” and “modern day slavery.” Barr spoke for about 7 ...