Obama bemoans gun violence in Chicago speech
buzzz worthy. . . (The Slice): Following the State of the Union Address (SOUA) earlier this week, President Obama traveled to various states to promote policies he proposed to Congress during the speech. The mini tour ended Today (Feb. 15) as he went back to his Clyde Park neighborhood in Chicago and spoke at the Hyde Park Academy High School on economic development, the building blocks for successful families/communities, and the necessity for gun control reform. The Windy City is well acquainted with gun violence, ranking number one for murders globally according to NBC-Chicago. Kadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old majorette who had marched in the inauguration parade was innocently gunned down in a gang-related shooting in Hyde park two miles away from the president's Chicago residence. Her parents attended the SOUA days after First Lady Obama joined them at their daughter's funeral. In the SOUA Obama pointed out that sin...