
Showing posts with the label Walter Reed

Mixed messages on Pres. Trump's health from officials paint confusing picture

  (The Slice): How is the POTUS doing? Officials close to Pres. Donald Tump are being accused of downplaying his health status just as he downplayed the deadly Coronavirus disease. Three days afte being diagnosed with Coronavirus on Friday, we do not know his health status based on contradictions from doctors, the White House's Mark Meadow and the missing time line on when he contracted the illness. While we were being told he was in good spirits on the same day of the announcement, the POTUS's oxygen dropped below 94% saturation and he got supplemental oxygen for about an hour at the White House., before being air-lifted by Marine II to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany initally stated he was being taken to the hospital out of an "abundance of caution." There were two press conferences over this weekend to answer the call for transparency from the media, but each time the mixed messages were amplified...