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RIP: Edward “Dwight” Fields of Legendary R&B Group The Manhattans Passes Away

buzzz worthy. . . Edward "Dwight" Fields of The Manhattans has Succumb at the age of 66 Dwight Fields L o s A n g e l e s - O n F ri d a y , A u g u st 2 6 T h e Ma n h a t t a n s f e a t u ri n g G e ra l d A l st o n suffere d another loss with the passing of the new es t member , Edward Dwight Fields. Edward Dwight Fields was born A pril 16, 1950 in Henderson, North Carolina. Son of Mattie and the late Johnny Fields, one of the founding members of th e Five Blind Boys of A labama .  Dwight and Gerald Alston are f irst cousins and grew up together . They started singing at a early age and formed a group know n as Gerald A lston and the New Imperials on Saturday night and on Sunday The Gospel Jubilee . The group performed all over the Carolinas. A fter graduation in 1970 the group dissolved. Dwight went on to attend Halifax Community College in Halifax, V irginia. During that time he started a group known as the Authentics Unli...