Trump declares ‘God over government ‘ to values voters
Trump’ to remove government’s hold on pastors speaking on politics from pulpit, remains firm on Syria decision at Values Voters Summit by Mona Austin In 2016, a Christian pastor who was captured and persecuted in Turkey was invited to the White House upon his release. The work of Attorney Jay Sekulow and cooperation of Pres. Donald Trump paved his way to freedom. He offered Pres. Donald Trump prayer. At that time in the Oval Office, the president said, ”I probably need it more than anybody in this room." Then Pastor Andrew Brunson kneeled down to one knee, laid his hand on the president’s shoulder and prayed for him to adhere to God’s guidance over his administration. This would not be the last time Brunson petitioned God on behalf of the president, a time where Christians in the same region had an imminent need for the humanitarian aid of the United States, particularly in Syria. Three years later, Trump was the keynote speaker at ...