
Showing posts with the label Paid sick leave for federal employees

Obama orders a 'better future' at work with sick leave for federal contractors

buzzz worthy. . . On Monday morning, a sign behind the stage where he spoke at the GREATER BOSTON LABOR COUNCIL LABOR DAY BREAKFAST read "Workers and Community, United for a Stronger Future.” sident Obama has just announced a massive gift to federal contractors and subcontractors this Labor Day. He has signed an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to pay their employees  sick leave  to attend to the most common personal and family affairs. The action will allow one hour of paid time off for every 30 hours worked. Obama's more flexible workforce policies encompass one of the most common concerns of federal workers taking time off, maternity leave. Obama put his reason for the policy change into global perspective, while showing sensitivity to working mothers, stating: "Right now, we are the only advanced nation on Earth that does not guarantee paid maternity leave. Think about that. (Applause.) You had -- one study found that nearly one in four working mom...