offers election updates with health department related guideline
March 24, 2020 – Over the past we ek, the onset of COVID-19 ha s caused Americans to re consider every aspect of our lives. CDC guidelines related to “social distancing” have changed how we wor k, interact, and live, as well as how, when, and where we vote . In re sponse to Ameri cans' need for timely and accurate informatio n,'s team of engineers built a p ag e d e d i c at e d t o C O V ID - 19 e l e c t i on u p d at e s , directing voters to a state- by -s tate guide tracking latest deadlines a nd state health department-re lated guidelines. Thousands of visit ors have accessed this guide over the past week, at a rate of 1,700 views per d ay and gr owing t o become ou r 10th most popular page. Thus far , the pandemic has r esulted in Alabama, Georgia, I ndiana, Kentuc ky, Louisiana, Maryland and Ohio postp oning t heir primaries. Voters nee d a r eliable source the y can trust, to provide real- time updates on the evolving detai...