
Showing posts with the label Sexual Abuse Awareess

June Hunt's counseling ministry runs anti-sexual abuse message on billboard in New York's Times Square

EVERY 8 MINUTES A CHILD IS ABUSED; NEW CAMPAIGN TAKES IT TO TIMES SQUARE Times Square Billboard Helps Reach Victims April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month DALLAS – April 18, 2017 – A Times Square electronic billboard—four times an hour, April 17-30—is one highly public salvo in the  There is Hope  campaign from Hope for the Heart, a Dallas-based international counseling ministry, aiming to reach victims of childhood sexual abuse. April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month. “Victims blame themselves for what’s been done to them,” says June Hunt, Hope for the Heart’s founder, herself an abuse victim. “We want every man and woman, boy and girl to know There Is Hope, and counselors who can give it are a phone call away." “Our presence in Times Square is a reminder that all kinds of people in the U.S. and abroad carry the scars of sexual abuse. And no matter how liberated our society becomes, there is no excuse for abuse!” Hunt said. On...