For The Love Of A Good Fight – Queendom Study Reveals That Arguing In Relationships Isn’t Necessarily A Bad Thing
buzzz worthy. . . and ’s latest study on the role of conflict in couples indicates that arguing itself is not a problem – it’s HOW the couple fights that matters. Montreal, Canada – August 20, 2013. Fighting with a partner is one thing...fighting dirty is another. Queendom’s study of 27,643 people who took their Arguing Style Test reveals that couples who take a negative approach to fighting, both in terms of attitude and technique, are more likely to experience a break-up as a result. Conflict, arguing, fighting. They are words so intertwined with negativity that they can’t be weaved apart. See a couple fighting in public and people will stare. Hear neighbors arguing through an open window and the surrounding houses suddenly get suspiciously quiet as they listen in. But everyone does it – so why is it a problem? Researchers at as well as 65% of people they studied agree that arguing c...