OPINION: Lip service is the true barrier to national security
Mona Austin B efore heading to the U.S./Mexico border Thursday on, Pres. Trump walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Congressional leaders because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would not support a border wall, saying it was "a total waste of time." During a preempted address Tuesday night the president made the case to build a steel structure along the U.S./Mexico border, claiming there is a high threat to national security. Following the address Chuck Schumer and Pelosi rebutted Trump's words saying he was playing the "fear" card. Thus far, we are at a bi-partisan impasse on the issue. The U.S. is about to have the longest government shutdown in history. The only way out that Trump has come up with is to call for a national emergency. Along his trail of mistruths, Pres. Trump told a whopper when he said he never meant Mexico was going to pay for the wall with actual money, but they are figuratively paying for it in the new trade deal. ...