What Pres. Biden plans to do to combat Omicron variant this winter
BIDEN ANNOUNCES PLAN TO FIGHT CORONAVIRUS-OMICRON THIS WINTER Pres. Joe Biden outlined 5 steps to combat a potential rise in illness from the new Omicron variant this winter. His strategy avoids lockdowns, hoping to keep the progress that has been made in the almost 2-year-old pandemic. The plan is simple, without any additional changes to current guidance except tighter travel restrictions. Per the plan, all in-bound international travelers must test within one day of departure regardless of their status. The ban will last through the winter months he said speaking to the nation in a televised press event. The plan also includes the follwoing: - More outreach on the nationwhide booster campaign - Family vaccination clinics and policeis to keep children in school - Free at home tests that will be covered by insurance and testing sites for the uninsured -Increase in medical staff in communitoes that need it and over-burdend hospitals -Vaccinate the rest of the world.