Rating vaccines effectiveness blocks positive perception about the quality and acceptance of Johnson and Johnson shot
(The Slice): There was hope and optimism about the third approved Coronavirus vaccine in the U.S. by Johnson and Johnson until the comparisons started. Leaders on the Coronavirus Task Force are having a challenge convincing Americans that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is what they need. Journalists drilled them asking about its potency in a COVID-19 briefing this week. Here's why people think the most recently approved shot is inferior to Pfizer and Moderna's. While being available in one dose is convenient, the J&J shot was not shown to be as potent as its predecessors in trials, but met FDA standards to be used. The perception that the third vaccine is weaker stems from the published efficacy rates of the vaccine trio: RATES OF VACCINE EFFICACY Johnson & Johnson, 72% Moderna, 94% Pfizer, 95% The numbers have created a problem with messaging. The Coronavirus Task Force has tried to explain that either shot will provide protection against the virus and somethin...