Boxing Champion Yahu "Rock" Blackwell Enters the Cryptocurrency Ring with New Fight Game "Crypto Boxers"
Atlanta, GA - Boxing champion, Yahu "Rock" Blackwell is entering the cryptocurrency ring with the release of a digital collectibles fighting game, Crypto Boxers . Slated to launch this summer, Crypto Boxers is the first and only boxing game operating on blockchain technology, with crypto tokens issued by boxing celebrities. Hall of Famer and legendary referee Joe "Mr. Fair But Firm" Cortez is the first celebrity announcement with his own avatar calling all the fights on the game! Crypto Boxers will feature real life boxing professionals as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum, an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. Boxing champion, Yahu "Rock" Blackwell Cites Yahu Blackwell, "My team and I are ecstatic about this launch. We originally planned this as a fighting game app, but I'm al...